
Gadget by The Blog Doctor.
Read more: http://www.blogdoctor.me/2009/01/random-rotating-post-gadget-with.html#ixzz2UMHl8Fc6


127 shortcut keys for wndows 7

1. Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7

Move and Resize Active Window

1.Win+Arrow Down: Set window to Restored (if Maximized) or Minimized (if Restored)

2.Win+Arrow Up: Maximize window (if Restored)

3.Win+Shift+Arrow: Down/Win+Shift+Arrow Up Maximize Restored window vertically / Restore window to previous state

4.Win+Arrow Right/Win+Arrow Left: Move Restored window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors

5.Win+Shift+Arrow Right/Win+Shift+Arrow Left: Move window to left monitor / to right monitor when using multiple monitors

6.Alt+Space: Opens the title bar menu

7.Alt+Space+Enter: Restore Window

8.Alt+Space+x: Maximize Window

9.Alt+Space+n: Minimize Window

10.F11 : Turn full page view on or off

'Maximized' means full screen, 'Restored' means variable window size, and 'Minimized' means minimized to taskbar.

Switch between Applications


alt+Shift+Tab: Cycles through open programs in taskbar. Hold alt and continuously press tab to move forward between applications. Release keys to switch to application selected. Add shift to reverse direction.

Alt+Ctrl+tab:, then use arrow keys to select application Cycles through open programs in taskbar without needing to hold alt continuously. Press alt+ctrl+tab once, then continue with arrow keys and press enter on application.

Alt+Esc/Alt+Shift+Esc; Cycle through programs on taskbar in the order they were opened or accessed

Win+Tab: Cycle through programs using Aero Flip 3D

Ctrl+Win+Tab: Cycle through programs on Taskbar using Aero Flip 3D

Win+g :Cycle through Gadget Window

Manage Multiple Windows

Win+d: Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state

Win+m: Minimize all windows on current Monitor

Win+Shift+m: Restore previously minimized windows on current Monitor

Win+Home: Set all windows to Minimized on current Monitor except active

Win+Space: Preview Desktop / make windows transparent (May not work with all Settings)

2. Accessing Windows Features

Win+e: Start Windows Explorer (in My Computer)

Win+r: Open the Run window

Win+f: Open Windows Search. f3 on empty desktop works, too.

Win+l: Lock the keyboard/ computer

Win+F1: Display Windows Help

Alt+Shift: Change keyboard language layout if multiple language layouts are active* shift when inserting CD or DVD Prevent CD or DVD from automatically playing

Win+p: Choose Presentation Display Mode

Win+x: Open Mobility Center

3. Windows 7 Taskbar

win or ctrl+Esc Activate Start Button. Then use arrow keys, space and enter to navigate within Start Menu

Win+t: Go to first item in taskbar, continue with arrow keys

Win+b: Go to first item in system tray

Shift+click: on a taskbar item Start new instance of taskbar item

Ctrl+Shift+click :on a taskbar item Start new instance of taskbar item as administrator

Shift+right-click: on a taskbar item Show the window menu for the program

Win+1...9 :Switch to application in position N on taskbar (or launch pinned application)

Shift+Win+1...9: Start new instance of taskbar item in position N on taskbar

Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the possibility to select multiple taskbar items in Windows 7

4. Navigating Desktop

Arrow Keys Navigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop) Home/End Select first / select last object on desktop Enter Launch active icon Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to select item tab, shift+tab on empty desktop Navigate between desktop, the quick-launch bar, task bar and notification bar. Then use arrow keys and enter or space to activate specific icons a, b, c, ... Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter